Saturday, August 9

Day 4 and 5: Back into it.

Thursday my leg was feeling better and I was able to keep up better. We did a lot more work with the weights and I love that. It's something I can actually do at least as good as the girls. Cardio not so much but I can lift.

I can tell already that I'm getting stronger. My core/abs workouts don't leave me in a sweaty heap on the grass anymore and I can jog farther than before. Halfway through and I can tell the changes already. We'll see what the next two weeks bring.

I don't know if I'll sign up again. The returning student rate is a little better. It works out to $7.50/hr but that's still a lot of money we don't have right now. Maybe I'll just start going out for a jog in the mornings by myself. I know I won't be able to push myself as hard as the trainer does but some physical activity is better than nothing.

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