Monday, May 30

Here We Go Again?

I am the father of 2 beautiful boys. Daniel is almost 3 and Josh is 19 months. My fantastic wife Amber has been writing a blog entitled "Adventures in Parenting" for several months now but recent events have made me decide that I need to share my view as well.

Amber and I have decided to try for another baby. The plan is to go for a girl in July. Amber has read up on several different methods for determining gender. There are theories on nutrition, time of day, time of month, time of year, temperatures, and I'm sure several others I don't know anything at all about (as well as others I just don't want to talk about).

My family has a bit of a history with boys.

My Dad is the first-born in his family and has 2 sisters and twin brothers. He has 3 boys, his baby brother has 2 boys, I have 2 and my younger brother has 1. It's been over 48 years since a male in that line has had a girl. 10 boys in a row!

My Mom's family was a little more balanced until this last generation. Daniel was my grandpa's first great grandchild. In the 2 and a half years following his birth, 5 more great grandchildren were born - ALL BOYS!

So, you can see why Amber wants to try for a girl. She feels that science might be her friend. We'll have to see.