Sunday, January 29

Welcome Andrew Elijah

At 7:55 am this morning, our beautiful new baby was born.

Andrew Elijah McInnis was 8lbs 6 oz and 22 inches. He and Amber are getting some well-deserved rest and will be staying at the hospital for another 2-3 days.

I'm sure we'll have a better update later, but I wanted to get something up tonight.

Jon (and Amber and Daniel and Josh and Andrew)

Friday, January 27

Trying to be patient

It's so hard to wait.

I want this baby to come now. We are totally not ready for it and I
know it will shake up our household, but Amber is so uncomfortable and
I want to make her feel better.

She had another doctor appointment today and her blood pressure is
starting to go up. She's lying in bed now trying to get some rest. And
I'm trying to not smack the other kids. They seem to know when we need
quiet time, because that's when they are at their rowdiest.

We've received 3 calls from my parents, a visit from Amber's mom, and
a call from my brother today (that I know of). Everyone is as anxious
as we are. With Daniel and Josh, we were 1400 km away, so calling
every 2 hours wasn't an option.

If the baby comes tonight or this weekend, I probably won't even miss
any work. I was kind of looking forward to running out of the office
to go pick her up at home - or meet her at the hospital.

These are my thoughts today. Hopefully the next post will be our birth

Update on Compulsively Clean

I saw a guy today wash his hands with soap before he did his business. What's up with this place???

Hello lurkers!

I learned recently that a friend of mine has been reading this blog regularly and it gave me an idea.

I don't know how many people are lurking here and reading without telling me. I have a plan to root you out. This is our official De-lurking Message. I want everyone who reads this to leave a comment. For every unique reader that leaves a comment on this message before Sunday morning (Jan 29), I will donate $5 of my Alberta Prosperity cheque to a worthy cause. That counts for Amber and Heather too (the only ones I know who are actually reading) - but you still need to leave a comment.

Let the comments begin!

Friday's Feast

Choose one: Popcorn, Pizza, Pretzels, Peanuts, or Pasta.

Definitely pizza. Pizza is fantastic and even when it's not that great, it's still good because it's pizza.

Describe your personality in terms of a particular vehicle.

Something small but has power when it needs it. Like a Suzuki Swift with a ferrari engine. I miss Bronwyn.

If you won a shopping spree, from which store would you want it to be?

If I'm thinking practically - I can get my free stuff and then sell it for the cash, I'd go for a jewelry store - expensive small stuff. But if I keep the spreed stuff, maybe Future Shop - no something like Sears where I can get my big TV but also couches and power tools and clothes and stuff.

Main Course
Which television show re-runs do you enjoy watching?

I always thought I couldn't get sick of watching The Simpsons

If you could look into the future, how far down the road would you like to see? 10 years? 100 years? A million?

Oooh, this is the toughest one. Dessert is supposed to be easy.

As much as I'd like to see how the boys turn out, I've seen enough Back to the Future and Star Trek to know that knowledge of yourself in the future is dangerous. I'd like to pick something like 100 years, but if I found out that Christ hasn't come back yet, I'd be so depressed. I don't want to know the future.

Thursday, January 26

Compulsively Clean

The place I work must have had a seminar on Hand Washing and the Flu shortly before I started. It's really weird. I've never seen guys wash their hands so consistently and conscientiously in the bathroom.

In public bathrooms I've noticed that most guys will barely wipe the urinal splashes off their hands onto their pant legs before leaving the facilities. But here, these guys use soap and lather up for at least a "Happy Birthday to You".

Just an observation.

Jekyll and Hyde

I don't know what to do with these kids. One night they'll go to bed nicely, have some cuddles and fall asleep until morning. The next day they'll scream and fight and throw things around their room for hours like chimpanzees on mochaccinos.

It doesn't seem to matter how much they napped during the day, or how well we wind them down at the end of the night, I never know how it's gonna go until I step out of their room.

Last night started out very Mr. Hyde. Daniel was unreasonable and the more angry I got, the more he fought back. I finally went in at 8:30 and laid down with Josh (because he was being pretty good) to try to get them to stop talking to each other. Daniel brought his pillow and blanket over to the floor beside Josh's bed (a twin mattress on the floor) and cuddled up to us. The three of us fell asleep.

I woke up at almost 10:00pm and had wasted the whole evening. We had plans to do stuff and get ready for the new baby last night. :( But I was out for the night. I found Amber and gave her a kiss and crashed in our bed. So, needless to say, I was up at 4:30 this morning, ready for work - looks like it'll be another Large Coffee Day at work today.

Wednesday, January 25

Tech boy

Daniel is such a bright kid. Reminds me of the stories I heard about me when I was 3 or 4 that I never really believed. He reads pretty much anything that doesn't have any weird silent letters (and if he knows the word he'll sometimes work it out anyway).

I was in the living room the other day and I hear Daniel call from down the hall, "What comes after Grandpa?"

I go down the hall and see that one of Amber's friends had sent her an instant message and the window was open. Daniel remembered that Grandpa Bob always used to send him messages when we were in Nakusp and assumed this was Grandpa writing to him.

I look on the screen and he had typed, "daniel, grampa".

He knew what he wanted to say and sounded it out and typed it.

He did the same thing to me a couple days later. I was on break at work and fired up msn on the break room computer to see how things were going at home. I wrote Hi or something and after a few minutes I get back the reply, "daniel, daddy." He saw my name in the address and knew it was me.

Now that I'm writing it, I'm realizing that he used commas to separate the names. What's up with that? Who taught him about commas??!!

We're gonna need a better lock on our computer. He'll have that screensaver password cracked before he's 4.

Monday, January 23


For the last 2 years people have looked at our boys and asked, "Are they twins?" Even when Josh was 3 months old and Daniel was over double his size. Now that they are much closer in height - and look more similar - we get fewer questions. Maybe people feel they don't need to ask because it's so obvious.

Christmas morning we had got them matching pajamas. Bad idea. Now that they both need a haircut it's nearly impossible for me to yell the right name based on the back of the head I see playing with something he shouldn't be.

Last week at church I think the boys (possibly subconsciously) played into this. A little background: For some reason, whenever you ask Josh his name, he always says something other than, "Joshie". For a while, he would have to point at and identify everyone else in the room in turn before giving his own name. Very unselfish. Now, he will often just point and say, "Daniel". When you say, "No, who are YOU?" he'll say, "Joshie Jon McInnis".

Anyway, I dropped them off at their 2-3 year old Sunday school class and signed them in. Josh ran to the sand table and I took Daniel to the bathroom before he got too excited and forgot. When we came back, the teacher of the week - who knows the boys fairly well - had assembled the kids at a table to work on crafts. The last thing I heard as I was slipping out and Daniel was sitting down was the teacher saying, "Here Josh, I have your nametag for you." And Daniel didn't say anything when she pinned it on him."

I can only assume that she knew they were both the crazy McInnis boys and while Daniel was in the bathroom she had the two nametags in her hand and asked Josh his name. When he gestured in the general area of the bathroom and said, "Daniel," she clipped the matching tag to him.

When I got back to pick them up at the end of the class, they had their right names again. I didn't say anything to the teacher, but I wonder how long my little imps let this go.

Friday, January 6

First Friday's Feast

Have you ever seen a ghost or an angel?

Nope, not that I know of, but the Bible says we may entertain angels unaware.

What is your favorite board game?

Amber and I have started playing games in the evenings again. I think my favorite so far is Cranium - but it's not really a 2 person game.

What was the last movie you saw that made you cry?

I don't usually cry at movies. The only one I remember crying at was The Passion of the Christ last year.

Main Course
What would you do if you had 3 months off from your job?

What DID I do? Spent a lot of time with Amber and the kids. Watched a lot of Game Show Network. Applied for jobs. If I did it again, I don't think I could find a more relaxing, pretty place than Nakusp.

What kind of shoes are you wearing today?

I'm not going in to work until 4 today, so I just woke up. No shoes.

Wednesday, January 4

Supersized Wednesday's Feast

Amber posted her answers to this recently, so I'll do mine too. :)

1. What did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before?
Moved 4 times, quit 2 jobs, applied for EI, took a job with a major corporation, discovered an allergy to cedar

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for this year?
Not even close. With all the changes, my willpower was shot

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not this year

4. Did anyone close to you die?
My Grandma lost 3 sisters

5. What countries did you visit?
Stayed in Canada, but managed to visit 4 provinces.

6. What would you like to have in 2006 that you lacked in 2005?

7. What date from 2005 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Nov. 28 - The day I started my new career

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I'm proud of making it through the year. I've grown so much. Like the milk commercials. Grow. All. Ways.

9. What was your biggest failure?
I don't see any of this as failures. Everything I could call a failure has led me to where I am, and that's closer to God's Will than before.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Oh my! I was in the hopsital more in September than any other time in my life. Tests and drugs all confirmed for me that I was allergic to my job.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Our piano and our van.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Amber for taking care of 2 toddlers and a sick hobo husband for 2 months.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Some former employers

14. Where did most of your money go?
U-Haul and damage deposits

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
baby mcbean

16. What song will always remind you of 2005?
Lead Us Lord - Brian Doerksen

17. Compared to this time last year, are you

i. happier or sadder? happier
ii. thinner or fatter? fatter:(
iii. richer or poorer? richer

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Listening to those I love when they told me to do what I love

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
Very busy

21. Did you fall in love in 2005?
All over again

22. What was your favorite TV program?
Survivor, Mythbusters

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

24. What was the best book you read?
Half-Blood Prince

25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
I can play the piano

26. What did you want and get?
New shoes, a house in NW Calgary, a job that might last

27. What did you want and not get?
A church job, Star Wars 6 movie box set

28. What was your favorite film of this year?
Revenge of the Sith

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old?
I think I was getting ready to move. We had some family over at my parents' place. 28

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I am so happy with how my year turned out. I wouldn't trade the trials for anything.

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005?
Business casual with a 2 month period of jeans and workboots

32. What kept you sane?

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Amber made fun of me for liking Erin on Apprentice 3. I don't know if I "fancied" her.

34. What political issue stirred you the most?
I'm starting to get into the new election - just for the chance of change

35. Who did you miss?
I missed my family and bible study when we moved. Now, not really anyone.

36. Who was the best new person you met?
Ron, and yeah I kind of miss him now. He was a good guy.

Tuesday, January 3

God's Plans

My devotional today from Promise Keepers is very suitable for me these days.

"We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps" (Proverbs 16:9)

God has taken us on such a journey this last year. And though it seems tempting to see this as a final destination, I know it's just another port in the voyage. No matter how much we try to plan our lives out, God determines our steps.

The "Prayer for the Week" is something we can all try to keep in mind:

"Lord, decrease my preoccupation with my destination and increase my concern for the process You are using to shape my character."