Thursday, August 7

Day 2: OUCH!

Yes, I'm posting these late. I tried to figure out how to change the date in Blogger but it's been so long since I posted here, things have changed and I can't remember. So just pretend this was from Tuesday.

Today we had a new guy in the class. This young, buff stud is in the evening class but since it's only 3 days a week, he will be joining us on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The trainer took this opportunity to push us hard to try to impress the muscleman.

We started out with running and my left calf started hurting right away. It felt like somebody had punched me in the leg. I toughed through it but as we were running up the hill - BACKWARDS! - my quad started cramping up too. So my left leg was fighting me for most of the hour and I couldn't stretch it out.

I was exhausted and in pain on the way back to the van. The trainer admitted that he was trying to put on a good show for the new guy and reassured me that I needn't try to keep up. Just challenge myself to my own levels.

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