Tuesday, July 29

Day Two: Sleepy

Today I was still sore in the morning so I took a few ibuprofen and tried to stretch. My quads were still stiff and fighting me as I went down the stairs. I had a small banana for breakfast - trying to get a little energy but not throw up like yesterday.

I told the trainer my legs were sore and he said that was normal. We'd try to limit the workouts on the legs today. I guess limiting meant step-ups onto picnic benches and climbing a huge hill - twice.

Aside: This huge hill and I have some history. Back almost 20 years ago I came into Calgary with my Dad and uncle to take hang gliding lessons. I was maybe 11 or 12 so I didn't have the shoulders to support the glider frame but I got to experience it a little bit. The cool thing is that this is the hill we flew off. There was no playground or pool or mosque or paved paths or supermarkets. Just a hill off at the edge of the city by the airport the perfect height for teaching hang gliding.

My stamina held up better today. We ended both days doing core workout. Yesterday I was collapsed on my mat on the grass by the time we were done. Today I was able to get up and walk back to the van.

I got home and kept my breakfast down. The boys all got up as I came in so I played some Wii with them and stayed up pretty much all day. I had a 30 minute nap with the 2 year old but that's it.

I've been working till 11:00pm and then getting up at 5:00. I was also planning on watching a little tv I taped tonight but I'm not sure I'll make it. I have 20 minutes left in my shift and I'm exhausted.

My legs are burning when I go up and down the stairs, by shoulders and lats are aching and my lower back is a little stiff. I wish I had time to go see my chiropractor but the leg lifts I did today popped a lot back into place. I'd have a bath before I go to bed but I'm scared I'd fall asleep.

I checked out my basal metabolic rate online today. Apparently due to my size and age, my body uses nearly 2200 calories a day doing absolutely nothing - just breathing and sleeping. That's 900 more than Amber. The trainer said a big guy can expect to burn around 500 calories an hour at Boot Camp. So, with a little more walking, chasing the kids, and stumbling up the stairs, I am burning more than 3000 calories a day. I can't eat that much so I hope to see another good size drop when I weigh myself again next Monday.

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