Sunday, December 17

Weird kids shows

Amber and I are all about sharing content with you these days. It makes blogging so much easier. We just link to something, give you a few comments and then you can have a wonderful reading experience.

Today I have a very interesting list for you. It's by Matt Dinniman, author of "Fireflies in the Cloud". He has written his list of "The Top Ten Weirdest, Creepiest, Freakiest Children's Television Shows".

Stop by and read it. I agree with a lot of the opinions, but in interest of not totally plagiarising another column, I will add my Top 3 Honorable Mentions.

3. The Wiggles

I know that a zillion kids love these guys. I know they have recently lost a member. It's not so much the concerts that look like they're an airband or the the big dinosaur, or even the gay pirate Cap'n Feathersword. The thing I find the creepiest is that they are the richest, highest-grossing entertainers in Australia. Even bigger than Nicole Kidman, AC/DC, or Steve Irwin.

2. Land O' Hands

Here is Telefilm Canada's spiel about this series:

A pre-school puppet series set in the fanciful world of pre-historic Alberta, Land O’ Hands follows the adventures of a young boy named Bungle and his family of cave people. Bungle’s natural curiosity often leads him into trouble. With the help of his little sister, Pubba, and his best friend, Garby, Bungle always sets things right and learns more about himself and his place in the big world of the jungle.

Sounds ok I guess, but the creepy part is that nearly the whole show - sets, characters, trees are made of painted human hands. It freaks me out. It looks low budget and reminds me of a kindergarten project.

1. Max and Ruby

This is the most disturbing kids show on TV for two reasons.

A) It's about a little 2-year old bunny and his 8ish-year old sister. Max is incredibly whiny and speaks in one word sentences like, "Cars!" or "Chocolate!" This is especially annoying and creepy because this speech pattern ends up being imitated by the two to four-year olds that have watched it.

B) There are no parents. The big sister tucks him in, makes him food, disciplines him, takes him on outings - all while trying to maintain her normal child life of going to school and being a Bunny Scout or something. Very responsible kid but what happened to the parents??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with one of the picks for creepy shows. Oobi. Many times, Oobi saved me in the doctors office. Your hand doesn't even have to have eyeballs on top! You just hold out your hand, and tada! It's a puppet! Move your fingers a little weird, and poof! It's Grandpoo.

As for me, I can't stand Barney. And yes, I do wonder where Max and Ruby's parents are... hmm...