Tuesday, December 19

Bright Boy

It's been a while since I wrote a dad's view on parenting so without further ado...

Time for a Cute Kid Story

Andrew is getting so smart. It's cute when he figures things out.

Recently he's started "talking" more. He tries sounds out and when he gets something that works he will repeat it over and over. This week his word is "bud'n". He uses this when he's reaching for anything with buttons. Remotes, phones, my PDA. He's a gadget guy just like his brothers and his parents.

The other cool thing he did today was when I was leaving for work. He was sitting in his high chair eating lunch and I waved and said, "Goodbye!" He smiled and just ignored me. I was a little sad because he always waves at the door. I went to say good bye to the boys and came back to him. When he saw me putting my coat on, he smiled and waved. He had figured out that I wasn't really leaving yet because I didn't have my coat on. What a logic jump for a 10-month old kid.

I'm so looking forward to all the steps they will take over the next year.

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