Monday, June 13

Morning (?) Sick

Well, it's confirmed now. If the pregnancy test wasn't enough, Amber has been going through all the symptoms she had with Daniel and Josh, if not more.
  • Pregnancy Brain - she forgot her wallet twice in two days, once at a friend's house and once in a car
  • Morning Sickness - she's been nauseous and feeling sick the last few days
  • Appetite - she's always been a very small eater but lately has been keeping up to the rest of the family
  • Tiny bladder - 'nuff said
  • Belly - suprisingly at 7 weeks she seems to be showing, even though she's been working out at the gym way more than ever
It was less than 20 months ago that she was pregnant with Josh, but in some ways it seems like forever ago. I know this isn't about my feelings, but I'm working on it. ;)

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