Thursday, August 4

Toilet Talk

People without little kids don't talk about toilets as much as those of us with babies. I can't say I remember ever having a conversation about poop with one of my friends before Daniel was born. Perhaps this is a good thing.

Daniel is officially potty trained now. He's been wearing "big boy underwear" during the day for months and pull-ups at night. Every morning that he wakes up and his "bed time underwear" is dry, he gets to put a star sticker on the calendar. If he's dry this morning, that means he's completed a whole week of stars, so that means he gets to sleep in his "regular big boy underwear" for the first time tonight. A scary thought but I'm so proud of him. Even if I have to change a few sheets in the next weeks, I'm really proud of him.

Josh is starting to get excited about the potty too. Once a day or more, he will run to us and say, through grunting teeth, "Poop! Potty! Poop!" So, we'll take him to the bathroom and put him down on his little potty. The times he actually goes, he is so proud of himself. Everyone in the house will clap for him and say "Yay Joshie!" and he loves it. I don't think we'll push the full-on potty training until after we move. He'll be two in a few months and once we're settled in our new house, I think he might be ready.

Our little McBean is a hungry little guy too. Amber is constantly eating now. She is normally a very slow eater and doesn't eat much at all, but now she's keeping up to me. She wants the baby to be as healthy as possible, so she's trying to eat good food, drink lots of water, and take her multitude of vitamins. I know he'll be a terrific, wonderful little guy - even if he's a she.

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