Friday, June 2

Brothers First, Brothers Always

I'm not sure where I heard it - I think it was some nanny show on TV - but it really stuck with me. Brothers first, brothers always. To me it means that no matter what happens, your brother is your brother. Friends come and go but family sticks together.

Daniel and Josh have really learned this lesson well. Amber blogged about it a while ago. They just love each other. They are best friends and I can see already that they include Andrew in their circle of brotherhood. It's so sweet.

That's why this weekend is so hard.

Daniel is out of town with Grandpa visiting his great-grandparents. It's his first big trip alone from mom and dad. The boys regularly have sleepovers at Grandma and Grandpa's but this is the first time we are more than a quick drive away and (as far as I can remember) the first time since Joshie was a little baby that they have been apart at night - surely for 2 or 3 nights at a time.

It's been tough on Amber and me too, having our first baby away but we are able to deal with it, but poor Josh. He's not sure what's going on. He said a few times today, "Daniel is lost." We had to remind him where his brother was and that he was OK.

I feel bad for him but I have no idea how Daniel is dealing with this. I'll write again with his side when he gets back.

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