Monday, April 17

Reading Books

I don't think I've mentioned it yet, but Daniel is reading.

Not just reciting books he's had read to him hundreds of times or recognizing his name. This kid can actually read. Real books. We got a new Robert Munsch book from the library the other day and he could read the whole thing with just a few little helps per page. And once he learns a word like "appliance" on page 2, he'll remember it on page 7.

I don't know what to do with him. I was apparently reading too before I got to school but we lived in a small town so there weren't the multitude of options that we have here in a city of a million people. I want to keep up his love of learning, but not push him into things he's not ready for.

We'll see what looks good in the fall. Maybe music or gymnastics or soccer or something else. Should be exciting.

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