Friday, March 17

Feast 85

What job would you definitely not want to have?

Cedar shingle cutter. Aside from the deadly (to me) dust, it involves having your hands inches away from a 6 foot diameter blade spinning so fast you feel the wind pushing you away and you could cut off your arm way before you noticed it.

Oprah calls and wants you to appear on her show. What would that day's show be about?

Good questions this week. How about Families With Freakishly Long Streaks of Male Babies Being Born

Name 3 vegetables that you eat on a regular basis.

Carrots, cucumber, and broccolli, brocolli, broc... mushrooms

Main Course
If you were commissioned to rename your hometown, what would you call it?


If you had a personal assistant, what kind of tasks would you have them to do?

Cleaning. Dishes, laundry, bathrooms, definitely cleaning.

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